When is THE best time to begin Hypnobirthing ?
When is the best time to start a hypnobirthing class?
All too often I have messages from mums at 36 weeks ask if it’s too late to do Hypnobirthing !!
While it’s never too late ( I’ve had a mum start at 38 weeks – we had to do a full day intensive to be safe) it’s ideal to begin between 20-30 weeks gestation .
By starting as early as 24 weeks – you gain a great deal of knowledge and confidence about your options throughout pregnancy.
I’ve had a few couples , who have reevaluated their choices in care provider after beginning their Hypnobirthing classes . The reason- they started to follow their gut – that the care provider was suggesting interventions around birth before there was indications !
Hypnobirthing is more than just feeling calm and in control of your options – it’s about developing an understanding that each birth is different BUT it IS what your body is meant to do . We emphasise that yes interventions are great IF we need them BUT all too often – our society is over medicalising birth . When you are armed with knowledge you have the confidence to demand individualised care and only accept interventions when they suit your individualised situation .
What’s more – your partner and you will be able to work as a team – fully confident about what you need during pregnancy and birth to have a positive experience .
To have a better idea of why I am so passionate about private childbirth education classes – watch a birth documentary called birth time – it’s gives a personal perspective of birth from many women in Australia .
If you’re ready for a positive birth- BOOK NOW
If you have any questions please call me direct 0409480493