Tag Archive for: Ashfordmidwife

The seduction of induction at Xmas

We are coming into silly season

The time when Xmas plans are being made and when you’re pregnant you’re most likely hoping for your baby’s sake he or she is not born on Xmas day

If your baby is due around Xmas there is often the seduction of being induced to be sure your baby doesn’t have to share hospital birthday

With that concern comes the seduction to accept an induction of labour

Ask any midwife in a private hospital and they will be dreading the week leading up to Xmas as they know the “induction book” will be bursting at the seems with inductions

Of course any one would rather keep Xmas day and the days either side quiet so that more staff can spend the day with their families .

But Xmas ( Easter etc etc ) are not valid reasons to induce a baby .

Induction of labour techniques were introduced with the good intention of ending pregnancy early when there is valid medical reason .

Valid reasons can include hypertension of pregnancy and or a baby who doesn’t seem to be growing and thriving in utero .

Induction of labour comes with risk . When the benefits of induction ( such as reducing risk of hypertension for mum or slow growth for baby ) outweighs the risks – then of course induction should happen in a timely matter – no matter what day of the week it is .

When the reason for induction is – Xmas day / Easter / weekend / Doctor going on holiday – the benefit probably doesn’t out weigh the risk .

What are the risks of induction of labour ?

More discomfort during the labour process and therefore more use of pain medications

More risk of baby becoming distressed during the “artificial” contractions leading to increase risk of instrumental birth ( forceps or c section

Increased risk of infection

Increases risk of postpartum bleeding

Increased risk of baby needing special care nursery due to distress / infection / lung immaturity

Increases risk of baby needing care for jaundice a associated with being born before due date and the use of forceps

Decreases breastfeeding rate – due to pain relieving medication and baby immaturity

Increases risk of perineal tears

Decreased satisfaction of birth experience ( due to increased levels of discomfort )

There have been studies over the past decade which have resulted in higher number of women being “offered” induction of labour – the study did not look at the impact of induction on baby’s in short and long term .

The rates of induction over the past 2 decades have increased dramatically

The percentage of stillbirth has NOT decreased ( and therefore induction of labour at 39-30 weeks can not be claimed to reduce stillbirth rates

Many women are also offered / encouraged induction due to their baby being “large” . This estimate is based on ultrasound which is not effective at predicting size and can over ( or under) predict by 10-20 percent .

Having an induction of labour to avoid Xmas day may seem very enticing BUT keep your eye on the longer term effects of unnecessary interventions .

Gaining more knowledge about your options for birth is vital for you and your baby ( physical and mental wellbeing)

My positive birth classes provide you and your partner with the knowledge , tools and confidence to advocate and take charge over your pregnancy and birth

Induction of labour tips

When is THE best time to begin Hypnobirthing ?

When is the best time to start a hypnobirthing class?

All too often I have messages from mums at 36 weeks ask if it’s too late to do Hypnobirthing !!

While it’s never too late ( I’ve had a mum start at 38 weeks – we had to do a full day intensive to be safe) it’s ideal to begin between 20-30 weeks gestation .

By starting as early as 24 weeks – you gain a great deal of knowledge and confidence about your options throughout pregnancy.

I’ve had a few couples , who have reevaluated their choices in care provider after beginning their Hypnobirthing classes . The reason- they started to follow their gut – that the care provider was suggesting interventions around birth before there was indications !

Hypnobirthing is more than just feeling calm and in control of your options – it’s about developing an understanding that each birth is different BUT it IS what your body is meant to do . We emphasise that yes interventions are great IF we need them BUT all too often – our society is over medicalising birth . When you are armed with knowledge you have the confidence to demand individualised care and only accept interventions when they suit your individualised situation .

What’s more – your partner and you will be able to work as a team – fully confident about what you need during pregnancy and birth to have a positive experience .

To have a better idea of why I am so passionate about private childbirth education classes – watch a birth documentary called birth time – it’s gives a personal perspective of birth from many women in Australia .

If you’re ready for a positive birth- BOOK NOW

If you have any questions please call me direct 0409480493

Learning techniques for a calm birth

Are you ready to throw in the towel ?

Are you ready to throw in the towel ?

Breastfeeding can be incredibly hard in the early days- but also very rewarding. It’s very common to face difficulties along the way. There’s a lot of support available, from lactation consultants to support groups and online forums. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help if you need it, and remember that each baby and situation is different .

Remember -You’re doing a wonderful thing for your little one!

Heres some tips for when things get tough

  • Just enjoy some time with your baby skin on skin at times when baby is NOT looking for food
  • Many mums feel as they don’t get a chance to just enjoy holding their baby -especially if they have to express to boost supply or to enable baby to have a top-up.
  • When you cuddle your baby against your chest you release endorphins (happy hormones) and oxytocin (love hormones)-so youll feel more relaxed and so will your baby
  • Have a bath with your baby-they love the warm water -it reminds them of being safe in utero.
  • Allow your bbay the chance to self attach -baby led attachment is more gentle and can allow baby to attach in a more relaxed manner-remember -breastfeeding is instinctual for your baby .
  • If your baby is unsettled, offer a topup feed-even if your breasts feel soft -they are never empty and sometimes sucking on a breast that felt quite”empty” allows baby to gain the higher fat milk whihc helps them settle
  • Go for a walk with a support person (with your baby in a sling) .Getting some fresh air helps baby and you.

Seek some support from your midwife or a qualified  https://myprivatemidwife.com.au/postnatal-lactation/ consultant who can work with you to overcome the overwhelm and support you through the first 6 weeks

Cuddling your baby

Babys who are crying benefit from skin in skin

Remember all new skills take time and breastfeeding is no exception

Call/Email for a home visit or phone consult




Who is kate bergamasco ?

Who is Kate Bergamasco ?

Let’s throwback to student midwife Kate Bergamasco –

This was me when I began my midwifery career. Although when I was 17 and fresh out of school.I knew from the time I was 16 when I witnessed a birth on work experience that I wanted to be a midiwfe
So this photo is me living my dream 

I was 22 years old and this was me during my midwifery training at Modbury hospital.My midwifery training days were focused on learning about how birth happened.We were taught to listen to mothers, build a rapport with families and become proficient at monitoring mums and babies through pregnancy , birth and the postnatal period..

By the end of the 12 month course we were all too aware that while we had passed our exams and delivered many babies, we still needed to gain a lot more experience .There was so much more to learn and I acknowledge now, 33 years on , I will never know everything.

I was very conscious even as a 22 year old graduate that my knowledge about helping mums breastfeed was limited.

WILL  I be able to breastfeed if my mother couldn’t ?

In 1990 so many practises we adopted with breastfeeding caused so much pain for mothers.We used to bath babies within the first hour of birth, we cut the umbilical cord as soon as the baby was out, we wrapped baby and THEN handed b aby to mum for her first breastfeed.We didnt know then the value of skin on skin or the golden hour.

I can remember mums with bleeding painful nipples trying to tolerate breastfeeds.and then sitting with red lamps faced toward their nipples to dry them out with the belief it would +toughen + them up.

No wonder so many mothers stopped breastfeeding before they even left hospital..

This experience is what lead e to study to be a  lactation consultant  , I wanted to ensure i could have a positive impact on mothers feeding journey.

Fortunately over the past 30 years our knowledge and practises have improved greatly and Im always quick to reasure mums whose own mothers couldnt breastfeed (in the 1990s) that our techniques have improved .

How have things changed ?

  • Skin on skin 
  • The golden hour
  • Rooming baby in with mum 
  • Not bathing baby in the first 3 days of birth
  • Giving mums and partners antenatal education on breastfeeding